How to Deal With Negative People

How to Deal With Negative People

To deal with negative people there are two things that you must do…

The first is that you have to be prepared.
Which means making sure that you meditate at least twice each day – first thing  in the morning and last thing at night.
When you meditate in the morning you’ll put yourself in an aware state which will create a slight distance between you and the influence of negative people.
And when you meditate before you go to bed it’ll ensure that you don’t carry- over negative thoughts from the day.
The second thing is to become aware of your Emotional Zone Point.

What is an Emotional Zone Point?

When you experience an emotion you’ll feel it in a particular place in your  body.
For example, if you get angry you may feel it in your stomach area, if you feel  sadness you may feel it in your throat area and if you experience a sense of  loss you may feel it in your chest.
But these Emotional Zone Points may not be in exactly the same place for  everyone. Especially in something very complex like a phobia.
In the case of a phobia you may have multiple Emotional Zone Points. And they could be  literally anywhere from your left big toe to your right shoulder to your left  palm.
And these Emotional Zone Points or simply Zone Points are not some mysterious energy centres – they are real and you can feel them.
They’ve even entered our language.
For example you may hear someone saying, “I  felt sick to my stomach,” When they were very upset. Or they may say, “My heart is broken,” when experiencing intense grief. Or “I was all choked-up,” when getting some bad news.
When you meet a negative person and that person “gets to you” you’ll have an emotional reaction.
And if you’ve reacted badly once you’ll react quicker the next time. Even when you think about that person you may have a negative reaction.

How to Defend Yourself From the Influence of Negative People: The Zone Point Technique

Unless you’ve been meditating regularly for some time, or if you don’t have  access to a skilled Zone Point Technique therapist, you may not be able to focus correctly.
But here’s the basic idea.
Imagine that there’s a person who continually “gets on your nerves.”
They may be constantly critical about everything you do.
They may be rude or aggressive.
They might even be pleasant on the outside (or not, as the case may be).
But, either way, they’ll cause you to react. And you’ll feel it in your body.
And the place that you feel it will be an Emotional Zone Point.
For example, say you get upset and you get an unpleasant feeling in your stomach area.
You should then concentrate on that area. I’m not talking about imagination here but feeling.
You concentrate on the Zone Point so that you can feel it.
In the past you may have tried to ignore the feeling in the hope that it would go  away. But this is the wrong thing to do.
I’m telling you to do the opposite and experience the feeling.
When you “zone-in” on this area it will start to shrink.
Keep feeling it and it may shrink so much that you can almost pin-point it.
The smaller it gets, the less it will affect you.
If you think of that negative person when they’re not even in the room and you  get an emotional reaction, you should focus on the Zone Point.
Now, you may not be “cured” the very first time that you use this method.
But every time that you come into contact with that negative person and you do  this technique you’ll reverse the process that made you react to them in the first place.
Eventually the feeling will disappear and you’ll no longer have the problem.
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